Saturday, April 14, 2012

Golden non-existent Slumbers

I don't sing at karaoke (unaided by alcohol, anyway). I barely sing in my car.

But I sing to Roo every night.

And she always requests the same lullaby - Golden Slumbers. That's my girl.

She's at a point now where she could just sing it to me, but instead, she lines up all her "babies" (her stuffed animals) so that everyone can hear the "show".

Last night, she interrupted the song because Bobs needed a ticket for some popcorn (?!). And then Baby Kitty Cat needed to stretch. Once Golden Slumbers is finished, Bingo (as per usual) requested Hey Jude, and Purpy needed to hear Let It Be before she went to sleep.

After the performance, I kissed Roo (and all her babies) good night, closed her door halfway (at Baby Jaguar's request), and hunkered down around the corner on the couch in the living room, waiting for what usually follows: about 20 minutes of her climbing out of bed and sneaking out of her room to peek around the corner at me, waiting for me to catch a glimpse of her, smile (which I typically do, and she knows this, because it's just s'darn adorable), and taking advantage of this free pass to meander into the living room and climb up on the couch beside me.

And, as expected, last night was no exception.

Only this time, I managed to keep the camera poised and ready to capture the slumber-less slumber my lullaby was supposed to induce.

Checkin' out the scene....

....involuntary smile, aaaand cue run-and-snuggle-on-the-couch-and-watch-TV-with-Mommy.

For a good hour.

And, as expected, today us girls are utter zombies.

But the memory has been made.

And now, caffeine ain't doing the trick.

Did The Beatles record a song about afternoon naps?

ADDENDUM: It has been brought to my attention that The Beatles HAVE, in fact, recorded a song that most appropriately reflects my current state of mind (thanks Chris!)

SoundTracking: I'm So Tired (The Beatles) (on REPEAT) ;)

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